Gonioscopy Assisted Transluminal Trabeculotomy Hemispheric Modifications with 360-Degree Episcleral Venous Fluid Wave | ASCRS
Gonioscopy Assisted Transluminal Trabeculotomy Hemispheric Modifications with 360-Degree Episcleral Venous Fluid Wave
May 2019
Meeting: 2019 Annual Meeting
Presenters: Bryce Ford, MD; Patrick Gooi, MD; Steven Safran, MD; Matthew Schlenker, MD, FRCS; Danielle Wentzell, MD; Julia Wiens
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Demonstration of two modifications to create a hemispheric gonioscopy assisted transluminal trabeculotomy - the Walk the Dog and Ripcord techniques. This 180-degree trabeculotomy can produce a 360-degree episcleral venous fluid wave, shown in both reticular and non-reticular episcleral venous patterns. Hemi-GATT may be as effective as a 360-degree GATT with a potentially improved safety profile.
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This film was submitted to the 37th Annual ASCRS Film Festival within the 2019 ASCRS ASOA Annual Meeting. 

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